What is this blog?

This blog is for my progress on projects. These projects are mostly for GMod, but from time to time I shall venture.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Railcars are out!

The railcars have finally been "finished"(There's actually a few things I need to do, but don't affect the release that much) 

What is left:
Add seats to brakevan
Fix a bit of physics mess on sliders



The focus is now onto ALCO locomotive pack of 3 (RS-1, s2/s4, c628)

Here is the presentation of the railcars though. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

More work after a small hiatus. Details into some of the processes that I use to make trains work in GMod.

I took a bit of a hiatus for a couple of days, but alas, I have returned!

The current status:
Dogfish - Pretty much done, all I have to model is the braking system, and I'll do that on Saturday if i get some images from a friend, which would be after release.
14Ton Tanker - Not changed, but has been imported and redid the LODs/

What I have worked on since last post:
Texturing wheels
Rigging/animating wheels
Giving each model an LOD[Wheels, main models]. LOD = Level of display or lower quality models for farther away.
Importing into Gmod.
Slight texture work on main models.

I'd first like to start off by talking about a great map (I haden't taken any photos of it though) that was just posted. It's a version of Traincity [gm_traincity_v2], and it has both day and night maps in it. It is a beautifully done take on the original Traincity map, and i especially like the night version, it meshes so well with train-cars. You can find it here [not made by me]:

Day: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1124071931
Night: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1161953508

Currently I have this in gmod right now, and come to think of it, its on the new map I was talking about.
Dogfish and 14 Ton tanker on Gm-Traincity_V2. 

It wasn't too difficult to put them in gmod, and only had one easily resolved issue, I was nervous that with the high amount of tris, that there might be some corruption in the model, but thankfully there isn't, at least none that I can see.

I went back to do another thing, which is to model some LODs. LODs, or level of display models are models that take the same form and textural look, but have lower quality. Typically the smaller details are removed on LODs. Such as LOD1 has no rivets on it, this removes quality, but if doen correctly, the players will be too far to discern it. And LOD4 which is my farther has no details except for primitive shapes.

Heres a few images of the LODs
The wheels aren't included in the model ,they are separate.
Ballast* . My spelling isn't that great.
Foreground is the base model, what you see up close, 1.2k tris.
Background is what you see when farther away, 0.3k Tris (1/4 impact)

Every model in a game needs a physics model if it is to interact with its world physically. Physics models can be exact copies of the model, but this i able to cause lag, it is also larger unnecessary, and for these models in Gmod, impossible. These physics models are non textured invisible objects that are made out of as few shapes as possible.

The grey models to either side are the physics models, they are simple objects and the optimized yet work well. 

Wheels don't actually interact with anything in the world, they are just there for visual representation, so they get no physics model, and therefor are defaulted to "prop_dynamic", a model that can be moved, animated, but can't be enacted upon by or to physics. For physics on rails I use slider physics models, with a spawned in friction of around zero. They are separate from the main model so that the model itself can act like a normal metal, while the slider acts like a material with ~0 friction.  Articulated locos also use these so I can have them turn on an axis.
Physics model, has four sliding areas, and are angled like real train wheels so they settle into the tracks to lessen the likely hood of flange rub.

Will work more today and tomorrow, including fixing the sr 25 ton pillbox and then release. Next blog, you should see some different skins!


Friday, October 6, 2017

10/6/2017 - Who wants more Dogfish? I do!

Dogfish Ballast Wagon:

(When I say yesterday, it actually means the day before, and today is yesterday. These blogs are typically made in the morning as I do most of the work at night.)

-Grime up the brakevan
-Do at least 4 more skins on the dogfish
-Finish the skins for the tanker
-Import all three into Gmod (And hope that is works well)
-Put them on the CBH's Trains base

Since my focus right now is on the dogfish ballast wagon, I have obviously done some more work. Yesterday I completed around 90% of the mesh, the remaining 10% to be whatever I think up for the braking system. So today I decided to make the UV map, as well as create a sample base texture.

This is a small time-lapse of the UV plane being filled, this is where triangles/faces/polys are placed so that a texture can be applied.

UVing is not difficult, just time consuming by hand. And once i actually bake a texture, there are usually errors I have made that will be in need of fixing. Nonetheless, I have created a simple texture with grime.

Front-Left Side View

Rear-Right Side - Topdown View

There is still some work to be done, such as making at least 5 more textures, but that shouldn't be too long. There are also some visible texture issues that should take 30 minutes at most to resolve. The 14 ton class "B" tank wagon also have around 5 textures, though only one is near complete, these textures are also not new, a couple days old, so I haven't actually worked on those.

Both the dogfish and tanker wagons.

The next step its to finish textures, and import into GMod. It shouldn't be too long before that happens.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

10/5/2017 - Dogfish ballast wagon, Class B Oil tanker progress.

First blog post:This is my first little blog post, hopefully it will be of use.
Since the last blog post (There isnt a last one) I have worked a lil' more the oil tanker, but most of the work has been hammering out the dogfish wagon

Dogfish Ballast Wagon:
Most of my focus has been on the dogfish wagon, surprisingly difficult is what it is. I have down to the rivet detail on it, and the next step is to get it ready for texturing.

What makes it difficult?
Proportions. Proportions are the hardest damned thing for me when modeling, and the dogfish shows that. Not only do I have to deal with no knowledge on many of the sizes and lengths involved, I have to deal with slopes involved in the wagon, as well as tiny details that add to it.

To compound the issue, I have no good visible images of the underneath of the wagon, and the internet has come up dry. So, I have no idea how the braking system actually works, I have ideas, but nothing concrete.  Here is some images so far.

Front-Side View
Rear-Side View
Front-Top View

Class "B" Oil tanker:

Honestly, since you last saw it in the group, r on the discord, nothing has changed.

The same ol' tank wagon for the past 3 days. 

For the GMod rail-car pack 2 of British cars, the SR 25 Ton pillbox Brake-Van will be in here as well, but it wont be remodeled like the dogfish was.

Also, all railcars have wheels, just not in the images.