What is this blog?

This blog is for my progress on projects. These projects are mostly for GMod, but from time to time I shall venture.

Friday, October 6, 2017

10/6/2017 - Who wants more Dogfish? I do!

Dogfish Ballast Wagon:

(When I say yesterday, it actually means the day before, and today is yesterday. These blogs are typically made in the morning as I do most of the work at night.)

-Grime up the brakevan
-Do at least 4 more skins on the dogfish
-Finish the skins for the tanker
-Import all three into Gmod (And hope that is works well)
-Put them on the CBH's Trains base

Since my focus right now is on the dogfish ballast wagon, I have obviously done some more work. Yesterday I completed around 90% of the mesh, the remaining 10% to be whatever I think up for the braking system. So today I decided to make the UV map, as well as create a sample base texture.

This is a small time-lapse of the UV plane being filled, this is where triangles/faces/polys are placed so that a texture can be applied.

UVing is not difficult, just time consuming by hand. And once i actually bake a texture, there are usually errors I have made that will be in need of fixing. Nonetheless, I have created a simple texture with grime.

Front-Left Side View

Rear-Right Side - Topdown View

There is still some work to be done, such as making at least 5 more textures, but that shouldn't be too long. There are also some visible texture issues that should take 30 minutes at most to resolve. The 14 ton class "B" tank wagon also have around 5 textures, though only one is near complete, these textures are also not new, a couple days old, so I haven't actually worked on those.

Both the dogfish and tanker wagons.

The next step its to finish textures, and import into GMod. It shouldn't be too long before that happens.

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