What is this blog?

This blog is for my progress on projects. These projects are mostly for GMod, but from time to time I shall venture.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Prangles Industries. ["Shovel" map prop update]

I have completed more work on the shovel prop. Last post I was only half finished with the clamshell, and had the Face Shovel and Crane modeled. Now, I have the all five:

• Face-Shovel
• Backhoe
• Crane
• Dragline
• Clam-Shell

Modeled, texture mapped, grimed, and have one skin as of right now. I plan on making 7-8 more skins, including my own fictional company. All skins will be fictional, but most will be of my friend's and those I have asked from my steam group. The first skin I have slapped a "Prangles Industries" logo onto, it works.

I can't wait to see these props finished, it's going to be swell, especially if some other mappers decide to use them. The Pump-jack needs to have 5 more skins made, and the Grain Silo and IBC tote need to be mapped and textured too.

Not much to talk about in this post, so here is some images.

A dirty face-shovel, looking lean and mean as ever.
The humble clam-shell, sitting still and closed for the moment.
Don't mind the clutter in the background, this is the crane, and it's idling like a crane, nothing fancy.
The dragline, grimed up and showing it has worked!
The Backhoe attachment, as it's called. With quite a bit of grime.
A bit of an older image, no grime on the attachments, but it shows them all together.